Move the slider to see the changes applied.
Here’s an example a VIP guest at a recent wedding. Unfortunately the little lad had a bump on the head the morning of the event and was sporting a rather prominent plaster. Not a problem, for those extra-special shots I can often sort something out for you!

Move the slider to the left to reveal the ‘before’ image..
Beauty / Glamour Retouching
We all like to look out best in photographs but sometimes we just need a little hand. If you’ve ever looked at a shot on a magazine cover and thought ‘wow, I wish I had skin that good’, trust me, you can guarantee it’s had a little ‘help’ from a professional portrait retoucher.
Having your image retouched can really accentuate the subjects natural features while removing imperfections, blemishes, colour correction, removing unnecessary background distractions, improving the texture and tone of the skin etc. You’ll still look like you (not some plastic version of you) just you on a really good day, after a nice long sleep, or maybe a weekend at the spa! Perfect for those large close-up shots.
I can offer three levels of retouching, ranging from the basics such as just removing a few minor spots and brightening up the eyes, through a full ‘cover model’ digital makeover.
Advanced options include modifying light colour & reducing or emphasising of body parts/facial features (yes, I can make you look slimmer), changing of background or removing unwanted guests from a wedding photo (or replacing the head on one who happened to blink during a special shot etc.)
Retouching is available as an optional extra with all photography packages – and with some of our portrait packages I include a digital makeover for free!
A quick example of a mono conversion from a little ‘shot from the hip’ street photo

We’ve all got those boxes of old photos in the attic, and the chances are many of them are in a pretty poor state of repair. With some TLC and patience you’d be surprised just what can often be done to recover a lot of what’s been lost.
Here’s an example of how a tatty old photo found in a drawer can often be restored to something much nicer with a little judicious use of the clone tool.

What’s been done?
This is a fairly extensive restoration job which took a few hours to complete, using a combination of cloning, digital painting, dodging & burning and finally exposure and contrast adjustments.
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