Take off and nuke it from orbit…

So, last weekend I fired up Dreamweaver with every intention of finally cracking on with some work on the site and I realised that in spite of all my grand ideas and good intentions I’d been procrastinating for weeks months and still not added anything of value. I’ve just been too busy talking myself round and round in circles obsessing about where I wanted to go and how I wanted to do things. So much so that I never actually did anything worthwhile as I got so wrapped up in the technicalities when what I should have done is focussed first on content.  I came to the conclusion that the only way I was going to get anything sorted was to take some fairly drastic action, accept that this current incarnation wasn’t heading anywhere. Only one thing left for it..

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Ellen Ripley (Aliens)

I figured that first and foremost this is a photography site, and so I should be focussing first on the photographs and keep the design as clean and simple as possible. This was inspired in part by the lovely clean design on my friend Gonzo’s site and an evening of googling for ‘awesome photography websites’ and other such terms.

Next up, I knew that one of the things that’s been constantly holding me back was the problem of maintaining nice looking galleries without spending hours and hours hand-rolling them all and so it seemed sensible to swallow my pride and stop worrying about building everything from scratch. there are far cleverer people than me out there doing that already so this whole re-vamp is going to be a really stripped down wordpress install.

So, that’s the plan. Hopefully I won’t break anything. In the mean time, cover me – I’m going in..

1 reply
  1. Goncalo Martins Photography
    Goncalo Martins Photography says:

    That’s kind of what I realised about my site too. At first I wanted a site that really spoke about me and that was very individual however in the last year I have realised that photography is who I am thus it should be my priority hence the design I have used. It is so basic it is borderline dull without pictures but as soon as I added photography content it came alive. The photography took centre stage not the site.

    I really like your site, wordpress is the way forward, easy to manage, quick and millions of recourses like plugins and themes to mention a few.

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